[syslog-ng]syslog-ng 1.9.2/eventlog 0.2.2: packaging notes

José Pedro Oliveira syslog-ng@lists.balabit.hu
Mon, 17 Jan 2005 15:27:58 +0000

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Thanks.  Both packages build without problems.

In a couple of days I think will have specfiles for
redhat/fedora systems ready (the specfile for eventlog
is ready; still have to finish and test the syslog-ng
configuration files).

Regarding the static linked syslog-ng: would it be possible to
do the same for syslog-ng 1.6.5 and the tcp_wrappers library?
Please see:

Thanks in advance,

> First of all thanks for the feedback, I really appreciate it. I've
> released new snapshots from eventlog and syslog-ng, hopefully fixing
> these problems.
> Fixed versions:
> eventlog-0.2.3+20050116+1856.tar.gz
> syslog-ng-1.9.2+20050116+1849.tar.gz
> On Sat, 2005-01-15 at 03:35 +0000, Jose Pedro Oliveira wrote:
>>I have a couple of requests to make regarding the packaging
>>of the above packages (for Red Hat/Fedora systems).
>>1) copyright information
>>    I believe both packages are being distributed under the
>>    GPL license.  Could you mention this in the README files
>>    and maybe include the COPYING file in the tarballs?
> eventlog is distributed under a BSD style license, on the other hand
> syslog-ng is of course GPLd.
>>2) the CFLAGS aren't being inherited
> fixed.
>>3) eventlog static lib
> fixed.
>>4) syslog-ng 1.9.2
>>    Would it be possible to also generate a static linked
>>    syslog-ng?  Right know it only uses dynamic libraries
>>    (glib2.so and libevtlog.so).
> syslog-ng now links statically against glib and eventlog while keeping
> libc and related libs dynamic.

José Pedro Oliveira
* mailto: jpo@di.uminho.pt * http://gsd.di.uminho.pt/~jpo *
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