[syslog-ng]problem on HPUX with s_tcp snd d_tcp

Stephan Hendl syslog-ng@lists.balabit.hu
Thu, 01 Jul 2004 17:06:25 +0200

I've just upgraded all version to 1.6.4 and the problem is the same.

After a kill -HUP on the hpux-server the clients are going into
CLOSE_WAIT state where the server is in the FIN_WAIT_2 state

tcp  1  0  <client>:55682  <server>:10514 CLOSE_WAIT

tcp  0  0  <server>.10514  <client>.55682 FIN_WAIT_2

After a 'service syslog-ng restart' on all clients they open a new
connection to the server and the connection will be established as I

I hope that helps..
