R: [syslog-ng]Syslog-ng dies unexpectedly
Rossi Dario
Thu, 12 Oct 2000 13:07:24 +0200
Sorry i cant answer to your question, but could i know the name of the nt
logging program?
> -----Messaggio originale-----
> Da: jmad [mailto:than@wwa.com]
> Inviato: mercoledì 11 ottobre 2000 19.15
> A: syslog-ng@lists.balabit.hu
> Oggetto: [syslog-ng]Syslog-ng dies unexpectedly
> I recently replaced my syslogd with syslog-ng on HP-UX 11.00.
> It was running great for about a week.
> I began adding more remote clients logging to it.
> Within the last day or so now it dies without explaination every few
> minutes (3-15min). Where does syslog-ng default log to so I
> can try to
> figure out what's going wrong (or have any of you had this and fixed
> it)?
> Also, I'm running a program that logs NT-events in syslog format and I
> want to create a separate SINGLE "error" log from multiple machines.
> What would the format for that be? Does a simple filter and log match
> statement work?
> destination ntlog { file("/var/log/ntlog.log"); };
> filter f_error { match("[ERR]"); };
> #( [ERR] is the common statement in the NT log statement for error
> logs)
> log { source(net); filter(f_error); destination(ntlog); };
> Thanks for any help,
> JonM
> City of Evanston
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> syslog-ng maillist - syslog-ng@lists.balabit.hu
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