[syslog-ng] syslog-ng 1.3.8
Balazs Scheidler
Thu, 16 Dec 1999 09:46:41 +0100
On Wed, Dec 15, 1999 at 03:47:19PM -0800, Jacob Zehnder wrote:
> syslog is now stable on my machines, but it seems that it has been
> restarting itself. i control everything in a cluster fashion so when i
> rotate syslog into sql i run a stop/start script in perl which logs into
> all the machines and issues a stop/start through init scripts. sometimes
> it works but sometimes it wont due to the fact that the pid in /var/run is
> differant than the current pid, telling me that syslog-ng has somehow
> restarted itself and is now running under a new pid. has this issue been
> brought up before? if so might it be fixed in 1.3.8?
It's fixed in 1.3.8. Syslog-ng didn't truncate it's pidfile before writing
the new pid, so if the new pid is shorter, than the pidfile was, the
contents became invalid.
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