[zorp] Question about Packaged GPL Zorp Proxies

HÖLTZL Péter zorp@lists.balabit.hu
Thu, 13 May 2004 08:45:49 +0200

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On Wed, 2004-05-12 at 19:07, Dennison William wrote:
> Are there plans in the future to include an SMTP proxy?
> Also, is the GPL version of Zorp going to be widely supported as far as
> patches and security updates go?  Or will the Pro version get more
> attention from the Zorp Corp., therefore be more robust?

Zorp-GPL contains proxies for Finger, Ftp, Http, Plug, SSL, Telnet and
Whois protocols and the latest stable version is 2.1.7. The commercial
version contains additional proxies for Imap, Ldap, Lp, Nntp, Pop3,
Radius, Smtp, SQLNet and Tftp protocols. The latest version of Zorp
Professional is 2.1.7 too. So we do not disregard the GPL-ed version.
In addition Zorp Pro has the following additional features: Outbound
authentication capability (S/Key, Ldap, Rb1CryptoCard, X.509 Cert, PAM),
virus detection module (stackable into all proxies), and centralized
management capability with graphical user interface (both for Linux and
Windows) and finally there is a centralized monitoring system.

I hope I could help,

H=D6LTZL P=E9ter

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