[syslog-ng] syslog-ng vs pcre2 without jit vs disable-jit config feature

"Tóth Attila" atoth at atoth.sote.hu
Tue Nov 21 09:59:02 UTC 2023

I'm using syslog-ng-4.4.0 on a Gentoo system, that also employs PaX
hardening. Due to the necessity to elevate restrictions on pcre2 with jit
enabled, I keep it disabled for this particular installation. Syslog-ng
emits error messages during startup complaining about pcre2 and jit. I had
studied the manual and found the disable-jit feature.
Maybe I'm using a wrong syntax, but syslog-ng doesn't seem to respect the
option. Commenting out the jit feature in the source code works, but it
would be much more comfortable to find the proper way to disable jit.

Are there any other who managed to use disable-jit in action?

Are there any tips or tricks aboutv what to pay attention on?

dr Tóth Attila, Radiológus, 06-20-825-8057
Attila Toth MD, Radiologist, +36-20-825-8057

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