[syslog-ng] Antwort: Re: Dynamic setting value out of message?

Matthias Gruber MGruber at metzler.com
Thu Jul 1 05:31:20 UTC 2021

Hi! Gábor 

No the "first Word" of the Message is the interessting part, which I would 
like to "store" or use for further decissions 
e.g.the MESSAGE could be
UIMUC4Maintenance.py: == deactivate_uc4_monitoring = ENDE ==
SomeOther.py: Exception at move
and so on

My goal is to put it in a destination like


in a dynamic way,so that I dont have to build static filters for every 

Like I do this with $HOST :-)

Thanks for your time



Matthias Gruber 
IT-Infrastruktur & -Betrieb

B. Metzler seel. Sohn & Co.
Untermainanlage 1
60329 Frankfurt am Main
Telefon (0 69) 21 04 - 43 30
Telefax (0 69) 21 04 - 40 40
MGruber at metzler.com

Von:    "Nagy Gábor" <gabor.hl at gmail.com>
An:     "Syslog-ng users' and developers' mailing list" 
<syslog-ng at lists.balabit.hu>
Datum:  30.06.2021 17:24
Betreff:        Re: [syslog-ng] Dynamic setting value out of message?
Gesendet von:   "syslog-ng" <syslog-ng-bounces at lists.balabit.hu>

Hi Matthias,

May I ask, is the key 'MESSAGE' fix and the value is changing between 
For that you could parse the incoming json with json-parser() and store 
the parsed key-values, then you can easily set the desired SDATA field 
with a rewrite rule.

Alternatively, you can set the "store-matches" flag for filters and use 
the matching groups in a follow-up rewrite rule.


On Tue, 29 Jun 2021, 10:42 Matthias Gruber, <MGruber at metzler.com> wrote:

I hope it is simple and my thoughts and seeks about it were to complicated 
:-), simply I didnt know how to do that, perhaps someone has a clue for me 

I am getting e.g. messages like 
"MESSAGE": "UIMUC4Maintenance.py: \"== deactivate_uc4_monitoring = ENDE 
(thats out of an JSON-formatted syslog-ng output), 

What I would like to do is, to extract the 'UIMUC4Maintenance.py:' and put 
it into a SDATA-Custom-Variable or PROG but based on a regex 

so some sort of rewrite-rule like (no not a correct syntax, only to 
describe it) 
rewrite r_fill_program { 
  set(match("^\w*\.py:" value("MESSAGE")) value("PROG")); 

As far as I understand it, set requires a "string" as first parameter, I 
could use a lots of rewrites with a condition, but I am in "lack of a 
static string", this should be some sort of variable :-) 
or I could do that static with a filter for every "^\w*\.py:"-Text, but I 
hope I could do that dynamic, every time a match of my regex syslog-ng 
inserts that part into a variable and so on... 

Is that possible? 



Matthias Gruber 
IT-Infrastruktur & -Betrieb

B. Metzler seel. Sohn & Co.
Untermainanlage 1
60329 Frankfurt am Main
Telefon (0 69) 21 04 - 43 30
Telefax (0 69) 21 04 - 40 40
MGruber at metzler.com

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Vorstand: Harald Illy, Emmerich Müller, Gerhard Wiesheu
Vorsitzender des Aufsichtsrats: Dr. Christoph Schücking
Sitz der Gesellschaft: Frankfurt am Main, Handelsregister-Nr. HRB 123 365

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