[syslog-ng] Requesting help with Grouping-by function

Maciek Solnicki msolnicki at gmail.com
Tue Nov 3 11:24:40 UTC 2020

Hi All,

I would like to ask for help with usage of grouping-by function.

Goal is to correlate logs from auditd.

Logs produced by auditd are multiline, but events share some number in key
with name *msg. *This in theory should allow aggregation of logs with the
same *msg *key, but I cannot get it right.

Here is my config:

*log {*
*  source {*
*    file('/var/log/audit/audit.log' flags(no-parse));*
*  };*
*  parser {*
*    linux-audit-parser(prefix(".auditd."));*
*  };*
*  parser {*
*    grouping-by(*
*      key("${.auditd.msg}")*
*      timeout(10)*
*      aggregate(value("MESSAGE" "TEST"))*
*    );*
*  };*
*  destination {*
*    file('/tmp/test.json' template("$(format-json .auditd.*)\n"));*
*  };*

After implementing above config, output logs look like this, prefix is
added as expected and format is set o JSON, but no aggregation happens:


Syslog-ng version I'm using:

*syslog-ng 3 (3.29.1)*
*Config version: 3.29*
*Installer-Version: 3.29.1*
*Revision: 3.29.1-1*
*Compile-Date: Aug 28 2020 12:13:25*
*Module-Directory: /usr/lib/syslog-ng/3.29*
*Module-Path: /usr/lib/syslog-ng/3.29*
*Include-Path: /usr/share/syslog-ng/include*
*Enable-Debug: off*
*Enable-GProf: off*
*Enable-Memtrace: off*
*Enable-IPv6: on*
*Enable-Spoof-Source: on*
*Enable-TCP-Wrapper: on*
*Enable-Linux-Caps: on*
*Enable-Systemd: on*

Can anyone please tell what am I doing wrong ?

Kind regards
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