[syslog-ng] Use jemalloc

Jean-Baptiste Fuzier jbfuzier at gmail.com
Thu Sep 19 09:45:43 UTC 2019


I am having high memory usage with v3.23, as suggested in some
tickets, I am trying to switch to jemalloc to see if there is any

However I cannot use LD_PRELOAD as I am running syslogng as a standard
user (setuid + setcap to bind to a port <1024). I can easily get rid
of the setuid part, however I do not see how to get rid of the setcap
beside using an ugly iptables trick.

Or any solution for those :
1/ Syslogng runned as root (for port binding) then dropping to standard user ?
2/ Get LD_PRELOAD to work with setcap binaries ?
3/ build syslogng (link?) against jemalloc ?
4/ Manage to have ld.preload limited to an user or binary ?

Thanks for your help
Jean-Baptiste Fuzier

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