[syslog-ng] [GSoC '15] syslog-ng configuration editor using Qt

Fábián Kristóf - Szabolcs f-kristof at hotmail.com
Thu Mar 12 16:00:15 CET 2015


I'm currently studying at the University of Debrecen - Department of Informatics, I'm applying to the "syslog-ng configuration editor using Qt" project for syslog-ng. I've worked with Qt before in some home and university projects (like a traffic counter application using Qt <https://github.com/krajsz/Traffic-counter-with-OpenCV>), and contributed to a local project named Robocar World Championship ( http://justine.inf.unideb.hu/ ) and of course I'm comfortable with c++. I'm looking forward to work on this project. My question is that on what should I put more attention before proposing for this project? I guess the main target would be to get familiar with the syslog-ng configuration language.

Thanks in advance,

Fábián Kristóf
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