[syslog-ng] Remote tags

Lucas, Sascha Sascha.Lucas at gisa.de
Tue Nov 25 08:34:00 CET 2014

Hi Nikolay,

> Could anyone here advice me if it is possible to set a tags() on a log
> entry on one machine, send this log message to a remote syslog-ng and
> use this tags() in a filter on the remote machine?

As Fabien pointed out, it is possible. I'm doing something similar using rfc5424 protocol:

The first thing I do is rewriting the log to append local scoped macro data into the sdata structure (here I'm using $SOURCEIP, where you want $tags). When I read rfc5424 I remember, that there are custom data-structures where you can store your tags (I decided to abuse .SDATA.origin.ip for my purpose):

rewrite r_sdata {
        set("$SOURCEIP" value(".SDATA.origin.ip"));

The second thing is to use the syslog-driver (capable of sending and receiving rfc5424):

destination d_logserver { syslog("X.X.X.X" transport("udp")); };

And finely the log line

log { source(s_network); source(src); rewrite(r_sdata); destination(d_logserver); };

On the server I have a source capable of rfc5424:

source s_network { syslog( transport("udp") flags(validate-utf8) so-rcvbuf(2097152)); };

The transferred Information is directly available on the server in the macro ${.SDATA.origin.ip}. Your tags may be a bit special, because multiple tags would be transferred as a comma separated string. Matching on a single tag would probably mean to rewrite the log again. This time with something like set("${.SDATA.your.structure}. " value("tags"));.

HTH, Sascha.

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