[syslog-ng] change rsyslog for syslog-ng

Josu Lazkano josu.lazkano at barcelonamedia.org
Wed Jun 22 17:50:18 CEST 2011

Hello list, I am learning how to get a syslog server with syslog-ng.

I started working on a IT department and I have more than 50 servers, we actually has rsyslog on the client side and syslog-ng on the syslog server.

I want to change the client side rsyslog to configure it with syslog-ng. On the server side I read lot of documentation and I know how to configure it (source, destination and filter).

I want to get  this logs on the client side and send to the syslog server on a TCP+SSL:


I want to get on the server side something like this:

/var/log/extern/host1/ daemon.log
/var/log/extern/host1/ dmesg
/var/log/extern/host1/ messages
/var/log/extern/host1/ syslog

/var/log/extern/host2/ daemon.log
/var/log/extern/host2/ dmesg
/var/log/extern/host2/ messages
/var/log/extern/host2/ syslog


/var/log/extern/hostn/ daemon.log
/var/log/extern/hostn/ dmesg
/var/log/extern/hostn/ messages
/var/log/extern/hostn/ syslog

On the past post you help me and I have how to get It on the server side for the TCP+SSL:

source s_tcptls {

  tcp (ip("")










I have some questions:

1.       Must I uninstall rsyslog before install syslog-ng?

2.       How can I configure the client side to send my logs to the server and to save on the local /var/log/?

3.       Is there any client limit on syslog-ng?

I will try to read and learn as much as I can, I will appreciate your help.

Thanks for your job and best regards.
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