[syslog-ng] syslog-ng help: how can I use function in double quotes?

Henry Xu xkb.surfing at gmail.com
Tue Jul 5 17:17:02 CEST 2011

Hi All,


How can I use a function in double quote? I want to record the IP address of
the syslog-ng server.

Since there's no available macro that represent the IP of syslog-ng
server(only have macros indicate where the message sent to syslog-ng
server,like $HOST). So I want to use ip() function and record it to


The configuration part is:


            columns(  "datetime varchar2(24)",

                                "server_ip varchar2(24)",

                                "host varchar2(32)",


            values(     "${R_YEAR}-${R_MONTH}-${R_DAY}




When I started syslog-ng,it gave error message that said expecting double

How can I use a function in double quotes? Or are there any other ways to
get the syslog-ng server IP address and record them?



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