[syslog-ng] Seg fault with include file contains an error

anthony lineham anthony.lineham at alliedtelesis.co.nz
Mon Sep 14 06:50:28 CEST 2009

Hi Bazsi,

I've been investigating a seg fault that occurs when using an include statement in the config file. The error 
occurs when one of the included files contains an syntax error. The first time syslog-ng is restarted with the bad
config, the error is detected and restart is aborted. However, if a second HUP is sent a seg fault occurs.

I had a bit of trouble tracking down the cause and I'm still not entirely sure of the mechanism that leads to the
crash but I found a couple of apparent problems, which when corrected prevent it.

1. There is a global variable "include_depth" which normally gets decremented back to zero after successful 
parsing of included config files. However, if an error is detected it stays at its current value and subsequent 
restarts increment from that point. This doesn't cause the crash, but given enough restarts would lead to
overrun or exhaustion of the "include_stack" array.

2. In the case of unsuccessful config parsing certain bits of memory are dealloced but their pointers that not
reset. This seems to be what was causing the seg fault but I've found it a bit hard to pin down.

3. There was an off-by-1 error in the included config deinit loop.

The following patch fixes the problem, but may not necessarily be the best way to do it - particularly issue 1.


--- syslog-ng_3.0.1-63-g41f77f5-old/src/cfg-lex.l       2009-09-14 16:02:09.000000000 +1200
+++ syslog-ng_3.0.1-63-g41f77f5/src/cfg-lex.l   2009-09-14 16:15:30.000000000 +1200        
@@ -626,17 +626,24 @@
   gint i;

-  for (i = 0; i < include_depth; i++)
+  for (i = 0; i <= include_depth; i++)
       CfgIncludeLevel *level = &include_stack[i];

       if (level->current_file)
-        g_free(level->current_file);
+        {
+          g_free(level->current_file);
+          level->current_file = NULL;
+        }

       g_slist_foreach(level->files, (GFunc) g_free, NULL);
       level->files = NULL;
       if (level->yybuf)
-        yy_delete_buffer(level->yybuf);
+        {
+          yy_delete_buffer(level->yybuf);
+          level->yybuf = NULL;
+        }
+  include_depth = 0;

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