[syslog-ng] db-parser

Jacopo Cappelli jacopo89 at gmail.com
Tue Jul 7 10:56:19 CEST 2009

I can't understand how work db-parser, i want to parse a string:
m-56767-1333854 <mfdesigner at diggitgraphics.com>
MessageScore is now 30, after adding 30 (Suspicious HELO - contains
IP: '[]')

I wanto to have m-56767-1333854 on $ID_MESSAGE and
<mfdesigner at diggitgraphics.com> MessageScore is now 30, after adding
30 (Suspicious HELO - contains IP: '[]') on $MSG

i try with:

<ruleset name='assp'>
   <rule provider='balabit' id='1' class='system'>
       <pattern>@QSTRING:id_message: @ @QSTRING:msg@</pattern>

But i have the field on db empty. I read link about db-parser usage
but i can't resolve...

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