[syslog-ng] reliability question (unix-dgram vs unix-stream)

Balazs Scheidler bazsi at balabit.hu
Mon Apr 21 18:45:13 CEST 2008

On Mon, 2008-04-21 at 12:30 +0100, Geller, Sandor (IT) wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm discussing the differences between unix-stream and unix-dgram
> on linux with my colleagues. It looks like the kernel-side and
> glibc-side implementation aren't different in the aspect of
> reliability. So why is it stated both in the reference guide and
> in the faq that unix-stream is more reliable?

This was my - incorrect - perception about SOCK_DGRAM type UNIX domain
sockets. At least on Linux unix-dgram does not lose messages.

I don't know about other platforms though.


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