[syslog-ng] dropping

Ferenc Wagner wferi at tba.elte.hu
Fri Oct 7 11:05:06 CEST 2005


Using Debian Sarge I set up a configuration where some 160
machines log by TCP to a single central server.  When the
machines boot (all at the same time) they obviously put
quite some load on the server, which results in lines like

Oct  6 20:55:18 bigyo syslog-ng[24969]: STATS: dropped 1303

after the client connected messages.  Also there is a
constant periodic loss (the clients run synchronised, so
cron jobs fire simultaneously) amounting to

Oct  7 06:35:27 bigyo syslog-ng[24969]: STATS: dropped 9

Is there a way to overcome this?  In average the log traffic
is fairly low, but huge bursts do happen as described above.
Setting log_fifo_size on the server didn't help much; it
logs straight onto disk:

[stock Debian Sarge part distributing local logs elided]
options { keep_hostname (yes); };
source s_cl { tcp (max_connections (255)); };
destination d_cl {
        file ("/var/log/cluster/$HOST" template ("$DATE $MSG\n")
        group ("adm") perm (0640)
        create_dirs (yes) dir_perm (750)); };
log { source (s_cl); destination (d_cl); };

The clients are configured like this (full file):
options { use_dns (no); };
source s_all {
    internal ();
    unix-stream ("/dev/log");
    file ("/proc/kmsg" log_prefix ("kernel: "));
destination bigyo { tcp ("bigyo"); };
log { source (s_all); destination (bigyo); };

Stock Sarge syslog-ng 1.6.5 with Debian patches on all machines.
Thanks, Feri.

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