[syslog-ng] sqlsyslogd sometimes does not starts

Metal Gear finattack at gmail.com
Mon Jun 13 13:24:32 CEST 2005

i m using a script which logs certain alerts to mysql db. It mostly wotks 
fine but sometimes i see that i m not getting the alerts into mysql db i 
have to then manually start the service. I m using the following code for 
the above mentioned purpose which is being taken from 
http://www.vermeer.org/display_doc.php?doc_id=1#scripts. I m getting the 
logs in flat files but none in the mysql db.


# sqlsyslogd This is a daemon that takes syslog-ng input and pipe it into
# a MySQL database.
# chkconfig: 2345 92 10
# description: sqlsyslogd bridges syslog-ng and mysql.
# author: Josh Kuo Thu 2004/08/12 13:21:56 PDT

. /etc/rc.d/init.d/functions

case "$1" in
if [ -x /tmp/mysql.pipe ]; then
mkfifo /tmp/mysql.pipe
# if the service is already running, do not start another one
PIDS=`pidofproc mysql`
if [ "$PIDS" ]; then
gprintf "sqlsyslogd is already running.\n"
exit 1
mysql -u DBUSERNAME --password=PASSWORD DBNAME < /tmp/mysql.pipe &
stop )
killproc mysql

gprintf "Usage: sqlsyslogd {start|stop}\n"
exit 1;
exit 0;
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