[syslog-ng] Re: What is my incoming data
Jeremy Mates
jmates at sial.org
Sat Dec 24 21:59:20 CET 2005
* David Anderson <dma at pern.co.uk>
> I am trying to set up syslog-ng to process data from my router on port
> 514, but I don't know the format of the data to be able to build
> filters.
> Is there any way to collect all data on 514 to a file?
Sure, use tcpdump or a script like syslog-snarf to record incoming data.
Then check whether the raw data conforms to the syslog standard, for
example with a tool like 'od -bc'.
-------------- next part --------------
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
# $Id: syslog-snarf,v 2.6 2005/09/05 20:29:58 jmates Exp $
# The author disclaims all copyrights and releases this document into
# the public domain.
# Syslogd server for debugging or experimenting with syslog.
# Run perldoc(1) on this file for additional documentation.
use strict;
use IO::Socket;
use Date::Parse;
use POSIX qw(strftime);
# what address to listen on (default everywhere)
my $bind;
# what port to bind to by default
my $port = 514;
# max message length for incoming data ([RFC 3164] limits this to 1024
# by default, though things might not follow the standards)
my $max_msg_len = 5000;
my $msg_len_warn = 1024;
# to match PRI header plus remaining fields
my $PRI_data_re = qr/^ < (\d{1,3}) > (.*) /x;
# to decode remaining data past the priority into TIMESTAMP, HOSTNAME,
# and MSG fields
my $HEADER_MSG_re = qr/^ (( # match HEADER, TIMESTAMP for reference
(?:Jan|Feb|Mar|Apr|May|Jun|Jul|Aug|Sep|Oct|Nov|Dec) # Month
(?:[ ][ ]\d|[ ]\d\d) # day of month, ' 5' or ' 10'
[ ] \d\d:\d\d:\d\d) # timestamp
[ ] ([\w at .:-]+) # HOSTNAME host|IPv4|IPv6 (syslog-ng prefixes foo@?)
) # close match on HEADER
[ ] (.*) # MSG data
# see strftime man page for allowed fields here
my $timestamp_template = "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S%z";
# this is a custom template based on contents of %message hash for each
# log entry
my $message_template =
'%{TIMESTAMP} <%{facility}.%{priority}> %{HOSTNAME} %{MSG}\n';
# syslog.h code->name mappings for better output
my %syslog_priorities = (
0 => 'emerg',
1 => 'alert',
2 => 'crit',
3 => 'err',
4 => 'warning',
5 => 'notice',
6 => 'info',
7 => 'debug'
# TODO some vendors (notably Apple) have fiddled with these to add
# NETINFO and similar... support this by reading these defintions
# from a file?
my %syslog_facilities = (
0 => 'kern',
1 => 'user',
2 => 'mail',
3 => 'daemon',
4 => 'auth',
5 => 'syslog',
6 => 'lpr',
7 => 'news',
8 => 'uucp',
9 => 'cron',
10 => 'authpriv',
11 => 'ftp',
16 => 'local0',
17 => 'local1',
18 => 'local2',
19 => 'local3',
20 => 'local4',
21 => 'local5',
22 => 'local6',
23 => 'local7'
( $VERSION = '$Revision: 2.6 $ ' ) =~ s/[^0-9.]//g;
# parse command-line options
use Getopt::Std;
my %opts;
getopts 'h?lvb:p:t:f:', \%opts;
print_help() if exists $opts{h} or exists $opts{'?'};
# list known elements might be in %message for templating needs
if ( $opts{l} ) {
print join(
qw{raw MSG time_recv TIMESTAMP priority length HOSTNAME facility facility_code peerport HEADER priority_code peerhost PRI}
# no input checking as let IO::Socket handle any errors
my (@bind) = ( 'LocalAddr', $opts{b} ) if exists $opts{b};
$port = $opts{p} if exists $opts{p};
$message_template = $opts{f} if exists $opts{f};
$timestamp_template = $opts{t} if exists $opts{t};
$SIG{INT} = sub { exit 0 }; # control+c handler
# start up the syslog server
my $sock = IO::Socket::INET->new(
Proto => 'udp',
LocalPort => $port,
or die "error: could not start server: errno=$@\n";
$| = 1; # autoflush output
my ( %message, @errors );
while (1) {
%message = ();
@errors = ();
next unless $sock->recv( $message{raw}, $max_msg_len );
$message{time_recv} = strftime $timestamp_template, localtime time;
# get various info on the packet in question
$message{peerhost} = gethostbyaddr( $sock->peeraddr, AF_INET )
|| $sock->peerhost;
$message{peerport} = $sock->peerport;
# see [RFC 3164] for syslog message format details
$message{length} = length( $message{raw} );
push @errors, "message exceeds length of $msg_len_warn"
if $message{length} > $msg_len_warn;
if ( $message{length} == 0 ) {
push @errors, 'message contains no data';
my $header_msg = q{};
if ( $message{raw} =~ m/$PRI_data_re/o ) {
( $message{PRI}, $header_msg ) = ( $1, $2 );
# decode facility/priority (see [RFC 2234] for PRI part values
if ( $message{PRI} ) {
$message{priority_code} = $message{PRI} % 8;
if ( exists $syslog_priorities{ $message{priority_code} } ) {
$message{priority} = $message{priority_code};
$message{priority} = $syslog_priorities{ $message{priority_code} };
} else {
push @errors, "no name for priority $message{priority_code}";
$message{facility_code} = int( $message{PRI} / 8 );
if ( exists $syslog_facilities{ $message{facility_code} } ) {
$message{facility} = $syslog_facilities{ $message{facility_code} };
} else {
$message{facility} = $message{facility_code};
push @errors, "no name for facility $message{facility_code}";
} else {
push @errors, 'could not parse PRI field';
# TODO is syslog-ng adding \n to the data already?
chomp $header_msg;
if ( $header_msg =~ m/$HEADER_MSG_re/o ) {
$message{HEADER}, $message{TIMESTAMP},
$message{HOSTNAME}, $message{MSG}
= ( $1, $2, $3, $4 );
my $epoch_time = str2time $message{TIMESTAMP};
if ($epoch_time) {
$message{TIMESTAMP} = strftime $timestamp_template,
localtime $epoch_time;
} else {
push @errors, 'could not convert TIMESTAMP to epoch';
} else {
push @errors, 'could not parse HEADER and MSG fields';
} continue {
if ( $opts{v} and @errors ) {
warn "error: $_\n" for @errors;
# converts '\n' and similar to actual character
( my $output = $message_template ) =~ s/(\\.)/qq!"$1"!/eeg;
# replaces %{foo} keys from %message hash with values for log entry
$output =~ s/%{(\w+)}/$message{$1}||q{}/eg;
# template needs a line ending thingy!
print $output;
$sock->close if $sock;
# a generic help blarb
sub print_help {
print <<"HELP";
Usage: $0 [opts]
Syslogd server for debugging or experimenting with syslog.
Options for version $VERSION:
-h/-? Display this message
-l Lists available message keys to template on and exists
-v Verbose: lists errors in parsing log data.
-b bb Bind to host or address instead of to everything
-p pp Use UDP port instead of default ($port)
-f ff Use different message template (custom format)
-t tt Use different time format in strftime(3) format
Run perldoc(1) on this script for additional documentation.
exit 100;
=head1 NAME
syslog-snarf - Syslogd server for debugging or experimenting with syslog
Close any running syslog daemon (the stock syslogd binds to UDP port 514
even when not being a server), then run the following to act as a
debugging syslog server:
# syslog-snarf
Bind to an alternate localhost-only port, be verbose about errors, and
use custom time and message formats:
$ syslog-snarf -b 127.1 -p 9999 -v -t %s -f '%{time_recv} %{raw}\n'
To see a list of available message fields for templating:
$ syslog-snarf -l
This script is a simple syslog server that binds to a specified UDP
port (514 by default) and prints out a formatted message of the
parsed log data:
2004-06-08T00:16:48-0700 <user.notice> example.org username: test
The output format of the log entries and the timestamps involved can be
altered via templates; timestamps use strftime(3) templates, and log
entries a custom macro format that uses C<%{keyword}> expansion. The
currently supported keys to expand on are:
HEADER - syslog message data past the priority field
PRI - syslog protocol facility/priority number
TIMESTAMP - timestamp set by log generator
length - size of log packet
peerhost - where log packet came from
raw - unparsed log data
time_recv - timestamp when log entry seen by this script
=head2 Normal Usage
$ syslog-snarf [options]
See L<"OPTIONS"> for details on the command line switches supported.
Output is to standard output, errors (under verbose mode) go to
standard error.
=head1 OPTIONS
This script currently supports the following command line switches:
=over 4
=item B<-h>, B<-?>
Prints a brief usage note about the script.
=item B<-l>
List available fields for templating the message format with the B<-f>
=item B<-b> I<hostname>
Bind to specified hostname or address instead of everywhere. For testing
and to prevent remote connects, 127.1 would be used to bind only to the
localhost interface:
=item B<-p> I<port>
Listen on the specified UDP port instead of the default.
=item B<-t> I<timeformat>
Specify a different time format to use instead of the default ISO
format. See strftime(3) for a list of allowed parameters, as well as the
strftime notes under the POSIX man page.
=item B<-f> I<messageformat>
Specify a different format for how messages are printed. Uses a
custom %{keyword} expansion format; use the B<-l> option to list
available fields.
To emulate the format used by stock unix syslogd:
-t '%b %e %H:%M:%S' -f '%{TIMESTAMP} %{HOSTNAME} %{MSG}\n'
=over 4
=item B<Forward logs from syslog-ng>
To have the syslog-ng daemon forward log messages to this script, add
the following to the syslog-ng.conf configuration file and restart
syslog-ng. The source statement will need to be altered to suit your
configuration file:
destination testdaemon {
udp("" port (9999));
log { source(local); destination(testdaemon); };
=head1 BUGS
=head2 Reporting Bugs
Newer versions of this script may be available from:
If the bug is in the latest version, send a report to the author.
Patches that fix problems or add new features are welcome.
=head2 Known Issues
No known bugs.
=head1 SEE ALSO
perl(1), [RFC 3164]
=head1 AUTHOR
Jeremy Mates, http://sial.org/contact/
The author disclaims all copyrights and releases this document into the
public domain.
=head1 HISTORY
Adapted from udp_echo_serv.pl by Lincoln D. Stein in the text
http://www.modperl.com/perl_networking/ (Chapter 18), plus data from
the Net::Syslog module as well as information in the sys/syslog.h
header file.
=head1 VERSION
$Id: syslog-snarf,v 2.6 2005/09/05 20:29:58 jmates Exp $
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