[syslog-ng]test tool: split/forward syslog from production
old-syslogd to syslog-ng?
Balazs Scheidler
Thu, 12 Feb 2004 10:45:38 +0100
2004-02-11, sze keltezéssel 21:04-kor David Carmean ezt írta:
> I'm trying to figure out how to configure/test a new syslog-ng
> system without disrupting my current old-style syslogd on a Solaris
> central logserver.
> The challenges are: preserving level/facility and perserving the originating
> host IP/name; thus a simple "*.debug @newserver" doesn't work.
if you turn keep_hostname(on) on your syslog-ng server, the hostname
part will not be changed. the level/facility information is never
changed in any case.
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