[syslog-ng]test tool: split/forward syslog from production old-syslogd to syslog-ng?
David Carmean
Wed, 11 Feb 2004 12:04:22 -0800
I'm trying to figure out how to configure/test a new syslog-ng
system without disrupting my current old-style syslogd on a Solaris
central logserver.
The challenges are: preserving level/facility and perserving the originating
host IP/name; thus a simple "*.debug @newserver" doesn't work.
I *think* I can come up with a perl script to take nc (netcat) -l -v output,
re-write the messages to contain the original hostname, and use netcat again
to forward it off to the new server under development. e.g.:
> sudo ./nc -l -u -p 514 -v
listening on [any] 514 ...
connect to [] from eponymous.lab.netapp.com [] 3357
and rewrite that to
<0>${timedate} foofdsasdfasdf
and ship it off.
But I was wondering if anyone had already built such a tool....?