[syslog-ng]syslog-ng stopped working yesterday

Gorm J. Siiger syslog-ng@lists.balabit.hu
Tue, 28 Dec 2004 10:30:22 +0100


I have a wierd problem, yesterday around 14:00 CET syslog-ng just stops
working. The daemon runs, but allmost nothing is writtes to the logs.

I have used syslog-ng for some years now, and it never let me down.

When running syslog-ng -dv the last things it tell me is: 

Objects alive: 203, garbage collected: 1
AF_INET client connected from, port 3630
io.c: Preparing fd 14 for reading

And then it stops logging, but seeing with tcpdump that i receive tons of
syslog, and even local logging with "logger" doesn't work.

Installing a new syslog-ng on another machine does the same, which confuses

Any good ideas ?

Med venlig hilsen / Best regards

Gorm J. Siiger - mail: gjs@sonnit.dk
SonnIT, Sonnerupvej 83B, 4682 Tureby
Tel. 70274777 - http://www.sonnit.dk