[syslog-ng]syslog-ng blanks in Servicename

Balazs Scheidler syslog-ng@lists.balabit.hu
Fri, 9 May 2003 18:42:18 +0200

On Fri, May 09, 2003 at 10:24:22AM -0600, markallen wrote:
> I recently read a thread that described an option you can set so your not logging blanks in servernames. I seen where I can set the option to ignore bogus hostnames but how do you ignore bogus hostnames that start with a tab?
> This is what I'm currently using:
> options { bad_hostname("snmp|AFSR|AFSR.PSYND|Delete|In|UDBH|Use|ready32"); };
> I would like to exclude everything that starts with a tab as well. Does anyone have any suggestions?

options { bad_hostname("\t"); };

here's the set of special characters you can use (quoting cfg-lex.l):

<string>\\a                { append_char(7); }
<string>\\n                { append_char(10); }
<string>\\r                { append_char(13); }
<string>\\t                { append_char(9); }
<string>\\v                { append_char(11); }

e.g \a, \n, \r, \t and \v are all supported special characters (similarly to

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