[syslog-ng]Wish listt

Peter_STRAKA@tatrabanka.sk Peter_STRAKA@tatrabanka.sk
Thu, 28 Nov 2002 14:24:29 +0100


With Regards

TatraBanka a.s.
Cernysevskeho 48
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----- Forwarded by Peter STRAKA/TATRABANKA/SK on 11/28/2002 02:24 PM -----
|         |           Peter STRAKA    |
|         |                           |
|         |           11/28/2002 01:57|
|         |           PM              |
|         |                           |
  |                                                                                                                               |
  |        To:      syslog-ng@lists.balabit.huu                                                                                   |
  |        cc:                                                                                                                    |
  |        Subject: Wish listt                                                                                                    |


I use syslog-ng for longer time but I am new in this mailinglist.
I didn't find any wish-list for syslog-ng on web page.

I use it on linux platform and I in crontab I use chattr to change log
files (imutable and appendable)
I think it would be goot to have option attr() {like perm()} in config to
do this.
And for acl somethinf like acl option.

And what about log-checking?
I tried logcheck,logscanner,logsurger,logwatch,swatch, but every-one is
only like better grep.
I expect somethink on statistical base - somethink like http analyze.
What are you thinking about?

With Regards


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