[syslog-ng]remote logging and logfile naming
Christian Hammers
Tue, 5 Mar 2002 12:23:40 +0100
On Tue, Mar 05, 2002 at 11:50:50AM +0100, Gregor Binder wrote:
> Another option would be to use_dns(yes) and keep_hostname(no), which
> could lead to a performance problem (use some sort of DNS caching on the
> syslog-ng server).
This produces
Mar 5 12:06:01 src@proxy/proxy.westend.com /USR/SBIN/CRO...
but the filename still is
other hosts, that are running no syslog-ng do have FDQN Hostnames in
their filename.
ngrep sniff:
U 192.168.XXX.XXX:59513 -> 192.168.XXX.YYY:514
<31>Mar 5 12:10:12 src@proxy/proxy.d.westend.com slapd[9011]: conn=10
65 op=2376 RESULT err=0 tag=97 nentries=0.
Can I get syslog to write the first "proxy" as FQDN just as the last
string without changing the normal OS hostname (uname -n)?
(I mean it's a *host*name, so use_fqdn(on) should add the domain name
Christian Hammers WESTEND GmbH - Aachen und Dueren Tel 0241/701333-0
ch@westend.com Internet & Security for Professionals Fax 0241/911879
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