[syslog-ng]possible bug in syslog-ng with logrotate?
Nate Campi
Tue, 29 Jan 2002 19:53:10 -0800
On Tue, Jan 29, 2002 at 09:47:08PM -0500, greg whorley wrote:
> I edited my log rotate conf file on RH 7.2 so that it will rotate/gzip the custom log names I have given for the normal logs (i.e. messages is now big.log and maillog is mail.log). A couple days ago, the log rotator did it's job and rotated/gzipped the logs. However, no new logs appeared. I noticed this two days after the rotation. I restarted syslog-ng and they started filling up again. Does anyone know why this may have happened?
IIRC logrotate does a "kill -HUP `cat /var/run/syslogd.pid`" or something
to that effect. You need to either a) make it cat the correct pid file
or b) restart syslog-ng some other way ("/etc/init.d/syslog-ng
restart", "killall -HUP syslog-ng", etc, etc)
Nate Campi http://www.campin.net GnuPG key: 0xC17AEF79
Programming /n./
1. The art of debugging an empty file.
2. A pastime similar to banging one's head against a wall, but with
fewer opportunities for reward.
3. The most fun you can have with your clothes on (although clothes are
not mandatory).
- From the Jargon File.