[syslog-ng]what to do with syslogd
Baltasar Cevc
Sun, 11 Nov 2001 00:30:01 +0100
Hi, Chee Chew!
> I am going to use syslog-ng for receiving remote host syslog. What am I
> going to do with the existing syslogd? If I turn off syslogd, will I still
> able to capture all internal system syslog?
You can get all local messages, but you have to configure syslog-ng
On our Linux system this does the trick for all local messages:
source localhost {
internal ();
udp(ip( port (514));
file ("/proc/kmsg");
Now I want to add a question myself: Is it the usual procedure that I have
add the last line ('file ("/proc/kmsg")') in order to have the kernel
messages processed (I thought that klogd would forward them to /dev/log).
Thanx for any explanation.
in hope to have helped you
::: B A L T A S A R C E V C
mailto: baltasar@cevc-topp.de
Tel.: +49 89 99020515