[syslog-ng]logging from 20 hosts

Gregor Binder gbinder@sysfive.com
Tue, 20 Mar 2001 16:25:49 +0100

matthew.hoskins@njit.edu on Tue, Mar 20, 2001 at 09:13:56AM -0500:

> file( "/var/logs/$HOST/$YEAR/$MONTH/$DAY/$FACILITY.log" create_dirs(yes));
> One reason we like this so much is there is no need for external
> log-rotation. Its all built into syslog-ng. (Nice work devel'ers,
> we really like that feature)

yep, good stuff Balasz :)

All you have to add is a cronjob using find -mtime (or something like
this, to send your logs to post-processing, move them into an archive,
on tape, or simply delete them) and you're done. Haven't had a full log
disk for some time :)


Gregor Binder       <gregor.binder@sysfive.com>      http://sysfive.com/
sysfive.com GmbH               UNIX. Networking. Security. Applications.
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