[syslog-ng]time_reopen, continuous reconnects, and syslog-ng1.4.10 - 1.4.12.

Brad Arlt arlt@cpsc.ucalgary.ca
Fri, 17 Aug 2001 19:05:15 -0600

On Fri, Aug 17, 2001 at 10:40:59PM +0000, matthew.copeland@honeywell.com wrote:
> This patch did not solve my problem at least.  It might solve someone
> elses problem though.  Does anyone have any other ideas on how to solve
> the client reconnect problem?
> Thanks for all the help,

I can almost remember the problem you were having (hopefully I am
right).  You said that the server still thought that it was connected
to the client yes?

Would not KEEPALIVE solve your problems?  That way the socket could detect
loss of connection.  If that isn't good enough you will need a heart beat
and a really short time out on the recv.
   __o		Bradley Arlt	  Email: arlt@cpsc.ucalgary.ca         o__
 _ \<_				    WWW: www.acs.ucalgary.ca/~bdarlt   _>/ _
(_)/(_)  -Eat well, sleep peacefully, drink lots, and ride like hell. (_)\(_)