[syslog-ng]SQL destination planned

Emil Obermayr Emil.Obermayr@eed.ericsson.se
Mon, 6 Nov 2000 17:20:17 +0100


I just configure syslog_ng for my network and I am up to collect the
data in a mysql-database. Are there any plans to include a
sql-destination in syslog_ng? If not I will code something.


   _/ _/ _/  Emil Obermayr  QEDEMOB @ EED/E/P
  _/ _/ _/   fone +49-5121-707-356  fax: -170
 _/ _/ _/    http://www.ericsson.de/ecc/fue/standort.html#hildeshm
_/ _/ _/     Ericsson Eurolab Deutschland GmbH,  Hildesheim,  Germany