[syslog-ng] Solaris and Syslog-ng & status report

Victor Barahona victor.barahona@uam.es
Wed, 2 Feb 2000 15:37:36 +0100



>Most probably you ran syslog-ng with unix-stream("/dev/log") or something
>like this, which removes your original log device, and creates a unix
>socket. Newer versions refuse to overwrite non-socket files.
>This is how it should look like:
>lrwxrwxrwx   1 root     root          27 Jan 13  1998 /dev/log -> ../devices/pseudo/log@0:log

Thanks, that mutch better :)  Now is working fine.

>btw: I suggest you to use 1.3.13. Lot of things have been cleaned up, some
>features have been added, and it should be quite stable now. Debian Linux
>has it as a package, and the only bugs reported were compilation issues on
>Alpha and PPC. (and of course the recently reported bugs with the program()
>destination) As soon as I've a little bit more time, I clean these up, and
>release 1.4.0.

I'm happy to hear about it because I was doubting what version to use but
if 1.3.13 is near to 1.4.0.... :)

As feedback, I tryed syslog-ng 1.2.3 in al linux-sparc RedHat 6.0 and it's
working fine.

>In the 1.5.x versions I plan to implement authentication and encryption
>support, date manipulation (adding the year field for instance), an
>inter-syslog-ng protocol (which uses tagging, so newer meta- and non-meta
>fields can be added easier) and maybe rewrite rules to modify log lines
>along the way.

I'm looking forward for it. Authentication and encryption would be nice.


Victor Barahona..........................http://www.sdi.uam.es/~barahona
Soporte Seguridad en red.................http://www.sdi.uam.es/utc/ss
Unidad Tecnica de Comunicaciones
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