[syslog-ng] syslog-ng 1.1.7 released

Richi Plana richip@mozcom.com
Tue, 13 Apr 1999 15:49:03 +0800 (JST)

On Mon, 12 Apr 1999, Balazs Scheidler wrote:

|o| I am thinking about builtin support for logfile rotation. One
|o| could specify rotation parameters in destination statements:
|o| destination d_messages { file /var/log/messages rotate(weekly, 9)
|o| compress };

|o| What do you think?

That'd be nice, but a lot of systems have their own "rotate log" systems
and they may wish to centralize log rotation. Perhaps something like what
squid has (squid -k rotatelogs) would be a better solution, but one needs
to set up some kind of IPC. Or how about SIGUSR1 to rotate the logs... eh,

L   L Richi Plana 8^)         ,-,-.     ,-,-.     ,-,-.     ,-,-.     ,-
LL LL Systems Administrator  / / \ \   / / \ \   / / \ \   / / \ \   / /
LLLLL Mosaic Communications, Inc. \ \ / /   \ \ / /   \ \ / /   \ \ / / 
LLLLL mailto:richip@mozcom.com     `-'-'     `-'-'     `-'-'     `-'-'  
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