[zorp] Stacking programs doesn’t work and how to modify POST parameters?

thomas.wenz at gmx-topmail.de thomas.wenz at gmx-topmail.de
Tue Jul 8 01:04:46 CEST 2008


Thanks for the patch, I'll try it tomorrow.
Here's the strace file: 

The policy-file which was used for creating it looked like this:
from Zorp.Core import *
from Zorp.Http import *
import os

InetZone('attack', '', inbound_services=['HTTP'], outbound_services=['HTTP'])

def http():
	Service(name="HTTP", proxy_class=MyHttp, router=TransparentRouter(forge_addr=TRUE, forge_port=Z_PORT_ANY))
	Listener(DBIface('eth0', 50080), 'HTTP', transparent=TRUE, backlog=255, threaded=FALSE)

class MyHttp(HttpProxy):	
	def config(self):
	  self.transparent_mode = TRUE
	  self.rerequest_attempts = 1
	  self.request_stack["POST"] = (HTTP_STK_MIME, (Z_STACK_PROGRAM, "/bin/cat"))

@Árpád Magosányi:
The patches for AnyPy look very promising to me. Especially the streams were quite
problematic for me before because they always blocked (at least for me, I'm not a python pro).
Also thanks a lot for the tutorial, it looks great!

Thomas Wenz
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