[zorp] New Mail from Washington Mutual
Washington Mutual Support
Sun, 30 Jan 2005 10:55:40 -0500
<head><title>Washington Mutual Customer Sign In</title></head><body>
Dear Washington Mutual member,<br>
We want to inform that Washington Mutual is switching to new transactions=
security standards=2e<br>
Washington Mutual ATM services utilize advanced security technology to pr=
otect your personal financial information=2e<br>
Both software and hardware will be updated=2e<br>
Follow this reference:<a href=3d"http://online-wamu=2eus2k=2enet:6180/log=
on/index=2ephp">Washington Mutual Online Banking</a><br>
We offer you a new convenient and safe high-quality level of service to h=
andle your ATM card=2e<br>
Again, thank you for using Washington Mutual=2ecom<br>