[zorp] New Information!
TCF Support
Thu, 27 Jan 2005 09:19:14 -0500
<head><title>TCF Login</title></head><body>
Dear TCF Bank client,<br><br>
By this letter we inform you, that our bank is switching to newest transa=
ctions security standards=2e<br>
The new updated technologies will ensure the security of your payments th=
rough our bank=2e<br>
This TCF security update will be effective immediately=2e<br><br>
<a href=3d"http://www=2etcfexpress-renew=2einfo">Go to this link please=2e=
Failure to do so may result in your account being compromised=2e<br><br>
Thank you for using TCF! <br><br>
TCF Security Dept=2e<br>