[zorp] Zorp on Adamantix

Czakó Krisztián zorp@lists.balabit.hu
Mon, 28 Feb 2005 17:35:34 +0100

2005-02-28, h keltezéssel 17.03-kor ales drtik ezt írta:
> Hi,
> did somebody try Zorp on Adamantix distro?
> What version and results?

On Adamantix stable, Zorp 2.0 works as expected. The original Adamantix
kernel (non-rsbac version) has some problem with tproxy and UDP for me.
I can't use Receiver() with this kernel (UDP proxy), however a self
compiled/patched kernel works, so the problem not in the Zorp in
Adamantix, but in the kernel.

On Adamantix stable, zorp has __guard problem, or at least had two weeks
ago, when I've tried it.

The Zorp .deb package compiled for woody by Balabit (from zorp-os) works
both on stable and testing Adamantix, but has't got guard protection.

Anyway, the apt repositories listed at
www.balabit.com/products/zorp_gpl/upgrades/ are bad:
http://apt.balabit.hu/zorp-os/dists/zorp-os-3.0/3.0security/zorp-gpl/binary-i386/Packages.gz  404 Not Found

Czakó Krisztián
Pilátus-Comp Kft. * A Linux szakértő * www.linux.co.hu
Telefon: +36-1-2481816 * Mobil: +36-20-9548844 * Fax: +36-1-2481817