[zorp] Dummy interface woes (Zorp GPL)

Michael D. (Mick) Bauer zorp@lists.balabit.hu
Thu, 8 Jan 2004 07:06:55 -0600 (CST)

O.K., I've worked through my "silent death" zorpctl problem --
thanks Szalay! The problem there was that the versions of libzorpll
and in http://www.balabit.com/downloads/zorp/2.1/deb/ are mismatched
(zorp was looking for an older library-file). I uninstalled my debs,
and installed the ones in /zorp/2.0/deb.

New problem: when I try to start Zorp, it still fails, but it writes
the following (among other things) to /var/log/messages:

  logging "Binding to dummy interface failed, please create one and
  pass --autobind-ip parameter; autobind='''' "

This is what instances.conf looks like:

  blue -v 5 -p /etc/zorp/policy.py -B ''
  purple -v 5 -p /etc/zorp/policy.py -B ''
  red -v 5 -p /etc/zorp/policy.py -B ''

Question: does dummy0 need to be set up in
/etc/networking/interfaces? Or is something else wrong here?


| Michael D. (Mick) Bauer                         |
| Hired Goon Specializing in Information Security |
| Security Editor, Linux Journal                  |
| Dir. of Value-Subtracted Svcs., Wiremonkeys.org |