[zorp] Zorp and Traffic Control

Peter HOLTZL zorp@lists.balabit.hu
Tue, 1 Apr 2003 09:34:14 +0200

On 2003 Apr 01, Robert Penz wrote:
> Hash: SHA1
> On Monday 31 March 2003 20:46, Illes Marton wrote:
> > You need to use ForgeClientSourceNAT as SNAT, or if you use
> > TransparentRouter you can set the forge_addr attribute to TRUE.
> >
> > Both end up, that when Zorp connects to the server it uses the client
> > original IP address as the source address of the connection.
> that sounds cool, can you describe a little bit more how and where I tell zorp 
> to use the client ip.

It is quite easy. When you define the Service eg. HTTP use this:

	Service("HTTP", HttpProxy, snat=ForgeClientSourceNAT()) # Both 1.4 and 2.0


	Service("HTTP", HttpProxy, router=TransparentRouter(forge_addr=TRUE)) # 2.0 only

and the Listerer, which starts this service looks like this:

	Listener(SockAddrInet("", 50080), "HTTP")


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