[zorp-hu] Internal error, stacked proxy reconnected to server multiple times

Arpad KUN akun at pedinfo.hu
2008. Nov. 4., K, 14:37:42 CET

   554                                 if self.server_fd_picked:
   555                                         ## LOG ##
   556                                         # This message  
indicates an internal
   557                                         # error condition,  
more precisely a
   558                                         # non-toplevel proxy  
tried to
   559                                         # connect to the  
server side
   560                                         # multiple times,  
which is not
   561                                         # supported. Please  
report this
   562                                         # event to the Zorp QA  
team (at
   563                                         # devel at balabit.com).
   564                                         ##
   565                                         log 
(self.session.session_id, CORE_ERROR, 1, "Internal error, stacked  
proxy reconnected to server multiple times;")


sajnos belefutottam a fenti hibaba, irtam a devel at balabit.com-ra, de  
onnet nem jott visszajelzes, probat teszek itt.


class ReverseUnwrapSSL_host(PsslProxy):
         def config(self):
                 self.client_cert_file = '/etc/zorp/cert/ 
                 self.client_key_file = '/etc/zorp/cert/www.host.hu.key'
                 self.client_need_ssl = TRUE
                 self.server_need_ssl = FALSE
                 self.client_verify_type = PSSL_VERIFY_NONE
                 self.stack_proxy = IDHttpS

def PROBA_host_https():
     Service("PROBA_host_https", ReverseUnwrapSSL_host,  
chainer=FailoverChainer(protocol=ZD_PROTO_TCP, timeout=30,  
round_robin=TRUE), router=DirectedRouter(dest_addr=(SockAddrInet 
('', 80), SockAddrInet('', 80), SockAddrInet 
('', 80), SockAddrInet('', 80)),  
overrideable=FALSE, forge_addr=TRUE))
     Listener(SockAddrInet('', 443), "PROBA_host_https")

Ilyen hibauzenetekkel szall el:
Oct 30 16:42:47 hostnev zorp/PROBA_host_https[17902]: (svc/ 
PROBA_host_https:4028/http): Internal error, stacked proxy  
reconnected to server multiple times;

Van valami workaround, barmi, amivel ezeket a veletlenszeruen  
bekovetkezo, de allando hibat javitani lehet?


Kun Arpad

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