[zorp-hu] Mi az =?iso-8859-1?Q?=FAj_a_2=2E0-=E1?=
=?iso-8859-1?Q?s?= Zorpban
Balazs Scheidler
Wed, 13 Nov 2002 11:43:48 +0100
mivel már többen kérdeztétek, hogy mi is lesz az újdonság a 2.0-s Zorpban,
ezért összedobtam egy nem végleges listát. Angolul van ugyan, de remélem ez
nem probléma :)
ebben nincsenek bent a commercialban újonnan megjelent proxyk, ezek:
Illetve rövidesen várható a PostgreSQL
* kernel 2.4 support with a custom transparent proxy patch
(available at http://www.balabit.hu/en/downloads/tproxy)
* transition to glib 2.0 instead of 1.3.1
* transition to python 2.1
* rewritten, more robust UDP implementation
* the same proxy can work on UDP and TCP transparently without changes
(for example: plug)
* it is theoretically possible to convert an UDP stream to a TCP stream on
the fly, without the proxy knowing this fact
* the introduction of fastpath connection establishment
* proxies can register the connections they are interested in, and as a
new connection arrives a callback is delivered (dispatch)
* the possibility to support several subsessions in a single proxy
instance (plug is currently the only one which supports this, see the
documentation of the attributes secondary_mask & secondary_sessions)
* it is now much easier to support protocols with multiple channels (e.g.
* an effort was made to make log messages more consistent, log categories
better selected
* updated authentication framework, the possibility to use ZAS2 and Satyr2
PGP info: KeyID 9AF8D0A9 Fingerprint CD27 CFB0 802C 0944 9CFD 804E C82C 8EB1