[tproxy] Tproxy , wccp and squid

hugo at gigared.com hugo at gigared.com
Thu Oct 21 23:31:00 CEST 2010

Dear people:

I receive many mails about using Tproxy4 , wccpv2 and squid

that config really works fine , with tested traffic up to 180Mbps.

and is Stable , working 7x24 in the last year , first with 
squid version a now with 3.1.8.

Some minor problems when , for many reasons (spoofing, attacks, etc)
the squid looses performances (for ex, from 80 to 20Mbps)
the wccp do not derive the traffic direct to the internet
until the network interface to the wccp-in is deactivated.
but this is a rare situation (once or twice a month)

i think that the mayor contribution to this application is to test
in the real environ , passing to you all the info about.

regarding , obviously, the economical contribution that the ISP
that uses must do.

in short again : if someone need more info about deployment,
testing, etc etc , i think is better to do via this forum,
in order to share the info with all of us.

Thank you again


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