[tproxy] Squid is not caching

Jose Oliveira de Almeida Filho jose.almeida-filho at serpro.gov.br
Wed Sep 16 13:50:05 CEST 2009


Vc está tentando colocar o proxy em modo bridge ou como gateway da rede? 
Ele está fazendo cache mesmo ou só está passando pelo squid enquanto 
está rodando?

*José Oliveira de Almeida Filho*
Analista de Redes
*(** *+55 0XX 81 2126 4016
*** _jose.almeida-filho at serpro.gov.br_

Rafael Moraes escreveu:
> Hello everyone,
> I'm using Patch cttproxy-2.6.18-2.0.6 + Squid 2.6-5 + Iptables 3.6.0 + 
> Kernel 2.6.18-6. + Thundercache 2.1
> I've based my experience on 
> http://web.suffieldacademy.org/ils/netadmin/docs/software/squid/#toc11
> The whole thing is working very well, I can cache videos from youtube 
> and most of the video websites. The clients do everything on the 
> internet with their own IP adresses.
> BUT, my squid cache is not working properly. It caches everything but 
> when we try to use the cache it doesn't work.
> Please, check my squid.conf:
> /http_port 3128 tproxy transparent
> visible_hostname proxy
> cache_mem 20 MB
> maximum_object_size_in_memory 5 MB
> maximum_object_size 600 MB
> minimum_object_size 0 KB
> cache_swap_low 90
> cache_swap_high 95
> cache_dir ufs /cache01/squid 2048 16 256
> cache_access_log /var/log/squid/access.log
> refresh_pattern ^ftp: 15 20% 2280
> refresh_pattern ^gopher: 15 0% 2280
> refresh_pattern . 15 20% 2280
> acl all src <>
> acl manager proto cache_object
> acl localhost src 
> <>
> acl SSL_ports port 443 563
> acl Safe_ports port 21 80 443 563 70 210 280 488 59 777 901 1025-65535
> acl purge method PURGE
> acl CONNECT method CONNECT
> http_access allow manager localhost
> http_access deny manager
> http_access allow purge localhost
> http_access deny purge
> http_access deny !Safe_ports
> http_access deny CONNECT !SSL_ports
> acl redelocal src xxx.xxx.xxx..0/24
> acl externo src xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx
> http_access allow externo
> http_access allow localhost
> http_access allow redelocal
> http_access deny all
> acl local1 src xxx.xxx.xxx.0/24
> tcp_outgoing_address ip_squid local1
> url_rewrite_children 200
> acl store_rewrite_list url_regex -i "/etc/squid/thunder.lst"
> url_rewrite_access allow store_rewrite_list
> url_rewrite_access deny all
> url_rewrite_program /etc/squid/loader.php
> #url_rewrite_access allow store_rewrite_list
> #url_rewrite_access deny all
> #url_rewrite_program /etc/squid/loader.php
> #nega cache local, para não haver duplicação
> acl localcache dstdomain ip_squid
> cache deny localcache
> #Bloquear ICP e HTCP - Usado para conversar com outros caches 
> Hierarquicamente
> icp_port 0
> htcp_port 0
> icp_access deny all
> htcp_access deny all
> #Desabilitar SNMP
> snmp_port 0
> snmp_access deny all
> cache_effective_user proxy
> cache_effective_group proxy
> #Extras
> detect_broken_pconn on
> pipeline_prefetch on
> ~                             /
> --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Iptables Rule:
> iptables -t tproxy -A PREROUTING -p tcp -m tcp --dport 80 -j TPROXY 
> --on-port 3128
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
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> tproxy mailing list
> tproxy at lists.balabit.hu
> https://lists.balabit.hu/mailman/listinfo/tproxy

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