[tproxy] tproxy not forward the source ip

HADI UTOMO h4di_utomo at yahoo.com
Sun Aug 3 14:13:47 CEST 2008

hello, can some one help to to solve the problem. i have a bridge machine whit kernel 2.6.20 that already patched whit balabit patch +  iptables 1.3.7 ( patched ) + squid 2.6.stable 21 ( enabled tproxy ) but why when i get to browse my web server from my laptop, my web server log show to me that the web request came from the tproxy ip ? if i'm not wrong.. the request must came from my laptop ip... on the web server log. but when i check my bridge machine, it's show all is fine and the squid access.log show that my laptop has request for the web... 

here is my network diagram:

laptop <--> | eth1 === bridge == eth0 | <---> web server

laptop :
bridge :  <--- default gw
web server :

i add on my squid.conf   : 
http_port 3128 transparent tproxy
tcp_outgoing address


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