[syslog-ng] Insider 2023-11: Splunk; configuration; journald;

Peter Czanik (pczanik) Peter.Czanik at oneidentity.com
Tue Nov 14 10:04:54 UTC 2023

Dear syslog-ng users,

This is the 114th issue of syslog-ng Insider, a monthly newsletter that brings you syslog-ng-related news.


Sending logs to Splunk using syslog-ng
There are many ways you can collect log messages using syslog-ng and forward them to Splunk. In this blog I collect the history of Splunk support in syslog-ng, and the advantages and disadvantages of various solutions, both open source and commercial.

Developing a syslog-ng configuration
This year I started publishing a syslog-ng tutorial series both on my blog and on YouTube: https://peter.czanik.hu/posts/syslog-ng-tutorial-toc/ And while the series was praised as the best possible introduction to syslog-ng, viewers also mentioned that one interesting element is missing from it: namely, it does not tell users how to develop a syslog-ng configuration.
So, in this blog, learn how to develop a syslog-ng configuration from the ground up! I will explain not just the end result, but also the process and the steps to take to develop a configuration. It starts with a single source and destination, then concludes with a conditional log path and sending parsed and enriched logs to Elasticsearch (or a compatible document store).

Systemd-journald vs. syslog-ng
Even if most people ask me to compare systemd-journald vs. syslog-ng, I would say that they complement each other. Systemd-journald excels at collecting local log messages, including those of various system services. The focus of syslog-ng is on central log collection and forwarding the logs to a wide variety of destinations after processing and filtering. Combining the two gives you the most flexibility.


* You can browse recordings of past webinars at https://www.syslog-ng.com/events/

Your feedback and news, or tips about the next issue are welcome. To read this newsletter online, visit: https://syslog-ng.com/blog/

Peter Czanik (CzP) <peter.czanik at oneidentity.com>
Balabit (a OneIdentity company) / syslog-ng upstream

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