[syslog-ng] Syslog-ng not honoring negative flag

Dan Egli dan at newideatest.site
Fri Apr 9 00:04:13 UTC 2021

I'm still hoping someone on this list can help me out. My syslog-ng 
configuration seems to be mixing things up. I am TRYING to separate 
things, so that anything from sshd goes to /var/log/sshd/sshd.log, 
anything from samba goes to /var/log/samba/log.samba, and anything ELSE 
hitting the syslog is going to /var/log/messages. My problem is, the 
sshd log seems to be picking up samba messsages, and the main log 
(/var/log/messages) is picking up them BOTH. But I have filters in my 
config to say this one, not that one.

If anyone is willing to help me out, the following files are live on my 
web server:
https://www.newideatest.site/syslog-conf            The current 
https://www.newideatest.site/system_log             Current 
https://www.newideatest.site/syslog-ng-debug    The debug output from 
the current instance of syslog-ng -Fdav

These files are direct links to the actual files, so whatever you see 
there is exactly what is there at the moment you check.

Please help?

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