[syslog-ng] setting sequenceId in forwarded log messages read from journald reader

Peter Vollmer peter.vollmer at gmail.com
Mon Jul 27 07:23:19 UTC 2020

I am currently trying to find a way to set meta.sequenceId of log messages
that have been read from the locally running systemd-journal to forward
them to a remote syslog server that expects the logs to contain a
sequenceId according to  RFC 5424 section 7.3.1.

I found that a sequence number could be taken from the  __CURSOR field
"i=..." of the journald log:

# journalctl -o json-pretty -f
 "__CURSOR" :
My problem is that the journal reader does not seem to parse the __CURSOR
string when reading from journald logs. Is there a way to get this
information into meta.sequenceId of the forwarded log without modifying the
systemd-journal module in syslog-ng ?

Thank you for any ideas and best regards

Peter Vollmer
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