[syslog-ng] Regular expressions in rewrite

Gabor Nagy (gnagy) Gabor.Nagy at oneidentity.com
Tue Aug 6 07:56:48 UTC 2019

I would rephrase your question:
Is there a way to extract information with regular expression out of a message without changing the given value?
In short: yes, but not in one step.

I would do something similar to Fabien's answer, you need to copy the given value to protect it.

I was thinking on how can you save some steps, maybe with using the regex capture groups $0, $1 variables,
filter { match("^[a-z]+\-([a-z]+).*$", value("HOST") flags(store-matches)); }
rewrite { set("$1" value("location")); };

Or how to save using "copy_of_host" temporary variable, but in every case you end up with additional complexity.


From: syslog-ng <syslog-ng-bounces at lists.balabit.hu> on behalf of Fabien Wernli <wernli at in2p3.fr>
Sent: Monday, August 5, 2019 10:12
To: syslog-ng at lists.balabit.hu <syslog-ng at lists.balabit.hu>
Subject: Re: [syslog-ng] Regular expressions in rewrite

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On Fri, Aug 02, 2019 at 01:40:13PM +0000, Faine, Mark R. (MSFC-IS40)[NICS] wrote:
> Is there a way to use regular expressions when setting a value in a rewrite rule?
> But without changing the actual log message.  The goal is to create a variable from a regular expression of the host field in the message that I can then use in a destination path.

You could copy the content of HOST into another macro, then use subst on the

  rewrite r_rewrite_set_host{
    set("$HOST", value("copy_of_host"));
    subst("^[a-z]+\-([a-z]+).*$", "$1", value("copy_of_host"));
    set("$copy_of_host" value("location")

Note that you could also use named matches in subst:

  subst("^[a-z]+\-(?<location>[a-z]+).*$", "$1", value("copy_of_host"));

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