[syslog-ng] syslog-ng with multiple destinations

swald.ext at orange.com swald.ext at orange.com
Tue Aug 21 12:34:11 UTC 2018

Thanks a lot for this response Laci.

The file descriptor corresponds to a connection with the source of log applications…

If I understand correctly I can't use this option ‘flow-control’ with destination d_SIEM_... Maybe that's what's causing me trouble.

Best regards. Sebastian.

Hello Sebastian,
 the copied error message indicates that there was a problem with your TCP source (s_remote_tcp). But unfortunately I can not reproduce the exact same error.
 Just to be sure, please check what connection was associated with the mentioned fd (in this case fd='32') when the error message occur.

 Undependent from the connection problem. You mentioned: "We lose some logs."
 Please notice, that the flow-control option is not interpreted in case of UDP connections (in both directions) so it is possible to loose messages with this configuration by design.

Best regards,

On Tue, Aug 21, 2018 at 11:46 AM, <swald.ext at orange.com<mailto:swald.ext at orange.com>> wrote:

We are a syslog-ng configuration with multiple destinations :

source s_remote_udp {
  udp(ip( port(514));

source s_remote_tcp {
  tcp(ip( port(514) max-connections(1000) so_keepalive(yes));

destination d_SIEM_ { udp("" port(514)); };
destination d_BOX_ { file("/var/log/box/FLOW_$R_MONTH$R_DAY$R_HOUR$R_MIN.log" create_dirs(yes) dir_perm(0755) dir_owner(root) dir_group(root) owner(root) group(root)); };

filter f_SIEM_ { match("FLOW:"); };

log { source(s_remote_udp); source(s_remote_tcp); filter(f_SIEM_); destination(d_BOX_); destination(d_SIEM_);flags(flow-control,final); };

We can see kind of errors :
/var/log/syslog-ng.log : Aug  4 23:34:39 host1 syslog-ng[16290]: I/O error occurred while reading; fd='32', error='Connection reset by peer (104)'

We lose some logs. We have a syslog-ng version 3.2.

Can you help please please ?

How can I diagnose the problem? How do I get to the root of the problem? Maybe debugging syslog-ng?

Thanks in advance.

Best regards. Sebastian.


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