[syslog-ng] "Error checking uniqueness"

David Hauck davidh at netacquire.com
Thu Feb 23 00:28:41 UTC 2017


I'm in the processing or updating a distribution's v3.6.3 syslog-ng configuration to v3.9.1 and am running into some issues getting syslog-ng started. The first one was:

Starting syslog-ng: Error parsing config, Error compiling template (Unknown template function "format-json") in /usr/share/syslog-ng/include/scl/cim/template.conf at line 23, column 32

I found a reference online to fixing this by removing /usr/share/syslog-ng/include/scl/cim and this indeed got me past this error (hopefully this is an otherwise benign modification). 

I'm now stuck at the following error:

Starting syslog-ng: [2017-02-22T08:07:50.101422] Error checking the uniqueness of the persist names, please override it with persist-name option. Shutting down.; persist_name='affile_dd_writers(/var/log/abc/audit_log)', location='/etc/syslog-ng.conf:128:33'

Here's snippet from my configuration file that this error message references:

destination d_abcaudit         { file("/var/log/abc/audit_log" template(t_NAFormat));        };
destination d_abcaudit_Prio    { file("/var/log/abc/audit_log" template(t_NAFormat_Prio));   };
--> destination d_abcaudit_IPtab   { file("/var/log/abc/audit_log" template(t_abcFormat_IPtab));   };
destination d_abcmessage_Prio  { file("/dev/null"); };

I wasn't able to find any documentation or guidance on the "persist-name" option. Any ideas on how I should go about fixing this error?


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