[syslog-ng] Syslog-ng relay: how to delete or modify special character ^M?
alain.villefranque at orange.com
alain.villefranque at orange.com
Tue Dec 5 13:03:15 UTC 2017
Hi Gabor,
Thanks for your help.
I’ve tried in different way without success:
rewrite r_rewrite_subst_CR {
subst('\r\n'," ",value("MESSAGE"), flags("global"));
subst('^M'," ",value("MESSAGE"), flags("global"));
subst("^M"," ",value("MESSAGE"), flags("global"));
subst("\r\n"," ",value("MESSAGE"), flags("global"));
subst('\r'," ",value("MESSAGE"), flags("global"));
subst("\r"," ",value("MESSAGE"), flags("global"));
subst("Detail","COUCOU",value("MESSAGE"), flags("global"));
You will see in the attached file that this rewrite rule has no effect on the received message specifically against the ^M character….
Do you have any other advice to provide me?
De : syslog-ng [mailto:syslog-ng-bounces at lists.balabit.hu] De la part de Nagy, Gábor
Envoyé : lundi 4 décembre 2017 16:30
À : Syslog-ng users' and developers' mailing list
Cc : RAMBERT Christophe IMT/OLS
Objet : Re: [syslog-ng] Syslog-ng relay: how to delete or modify special character ^M?
Hi Alain!
You can replace unwanted special characters by using rewrite rules is syslog-ng.
Rewrite rules accept regular expressions as search pattern.
Please check regular expression options (e.g. use global flags to replace all instances).
rewrite{ subst("\r", " ", flags("global")); };
Best regards,
On Mon, Dec 4, 2017 at 3:33 PM, <alain.villefranque at orange.com<mailto:alain.villefranque at orange.com>> wrote:
Hi all,
I have an issue with the character Carriage Return (^M) inserted by the Syslog source machine.
I try to substitute or rewrite this special character with syslog-ng relay, but it is impossible to modify it, it seems this char is invisible for the program.
I’ve tried to modified it with either with ^M or 0xD char with no success.
Example of received message:
Dec 4 13:35:23 conf01 2017-12-04 13:35:23,561 Level="INFO" Name="support.sip" Message="Sending SIP response" Src-address="80.12.yy.xx" Src-port="5061" Dst-address="161.105.yy.xx" Dst-port="38509" Transport="TLS"
Detail="^MSIP/2.0 403 Forbidden^MVia: SIP/2.0/TLS;alias;branch=z9hG4bK.MEgSOM8O4;rport=38509;received=^MFrom: <sip:SondeSQS_001!@int.ovp.orange-business.com<http://int.ovp.orange-business.com>>;tag=5kYhVMAyi^MTo: sip:SondeSQS_001!@int.ovp.orange-business.com<http://int.ovp.orange-business.com>;tag=aynkBKUjt0pXHzNv^MCSeq: 25 REGISTER^MCall-ID: Vhihsb~BhQ^MAllow: INVITE,ACK,OPTIONS,CANCEL,BYE,REGISTER,INFO,SUBSCRIBE,NOTIFY,MESSAGE^MSupported: categoryList,adhoclist,sdp-anat,replaces^MContent-Length: 0^M^M"
I’d like to suppress ^M or replace it with a “space” char.
Is there any specific action to do in order to modify ^M special character ?
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